Joey's Trip to Sicily

August 18, 2013

Riserva Dello Zingaro Sun Dried Tomatoes in Balata di Baida Raid Dell Etna Triskelion Souvenir Porto Di San Vito Lo Capo I Giardini Di San Vito Lo Capo Hotel Sporting Baia Hotel Sporting Baia Comune di Giuliana Italian Fig

This is just a short quasi-guest post. My roommate, Joey, just returned (bronzed, chipper and wanderlustful) from a three week trip to Sicily. We both have family and roots in Messina, a coastal city in Sicily. He primarily stayed with family in San Vieto, but also visited Messina, Giuloana, Taramena, Palermo, Cefalu and Troina. I’ve posted a slideshow of some of his Instagram pictures from the trip. He brought me back a ceramic triskelion, which is the ancient symbol of Sicily.

© Danielle Hoo 2023